“Having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.”
Now the theme of chapter 1 is revealed. After establishing Christ’s word as supreme, his person as God and his work as complete and perfect the writer states that Christ is supreme over angels as well. His name is “Son of God” not “angel” giving him a place of prominence.
As much superior to. “The Lord Jesus Christ, the revealer of God’s will in the Gospel, is exalted above, preferred before, made more excellent and glorious than the angels themselves…” Christ is the exact imprint of God. Christ is God, “I and the Father are One.” (John 10:22) The angels are created beings, God is infinite the angels do the will of God (Jesus). Jesus is superior to angels because:
1. Christ is the heir of all things
2. Christ is the creator of all things
3. Christ is the, “radiance of the glory of God.”
4. Christ is the, “exact imprint of his [God’s] nature.”
5. Christ, “upholds the universe by the word of his power.”
6. Christ made purification for sins perfectly and completely.
7. Christ is seated at the, “right hand of the Majesty on high.”
Five questions to ask of this verse:
1. Why is Christ preferred above the angels?
See above list
2. When was Christ exalted above the angels?
“… It must be the time of his resurrection, ascension, and exalted at God’s right hand.” ~John Owen
I think that he (John Owen) is right to say Christ was (and is) exalted at the time of his resurrection and ascension, however I think it would also be prudent to say that Christ was exalted before the creation of the universe.
3. What is the extent of Christ exaltation?
The extent of Christ’s exaltation can, in my mind, be given no adjective in any language to make it fully comprehendible. Simply put our minds are too small. I do not know the extent of Jesus’ exaltation, but what I do know is that for all eternity I will be going into a deeper and deeper understanding of Christ’s exaltation. As C.S. Lewis put it in the final book of The Chronicles of Narnia through the mouth of Aslan, “Further up and further in!” This will be heaven for those who believe the Gospel. Continually going further up and further in to the manifest glories of God.
4. What proof is seen for Christ ascertaining this name?
“His name was not given to him by man, or assumed by himself, but ascribed to him by God himself… The apostle is emphasizing that the titles were given to them by God, and thus tells you about their relative importance.”
5. How did the Lord come by this name?
He inherited it from God. As a smith would inherit the name smith; so Jesus inherited Christ. It signifies his profession forever. Because he is the heir of all things; he is the High Priest; He is the mediator between perfect God and sinful man; He is the reason for our justification and our adoption. Thus ‘Christ’ is his title for it means ‘Messiah,’ our deliverer. He delivered us from the curse of the law to adoption as co-heirs.
Jesus Christ must be seen as supreme or the Bible is nothing more than a collection of odd stories. Christ is the thread weaving the tapestry together. He is the theme. He is the main character. He is God.