Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday's Ripped from the Journal

It is becoming increasingly important in my mind that we use our words properly. A higher level of vocabulary is not what is needed rather an understanding of the words already known. For true eloquence is not in the refined spinning of a phrase but in the speaking of the heart.

In the proper use of words is meaning conveyed and pressed forward, but in the flippant sentence is a misunderstood meaning and thus something is done unintentionally. (Saying something off cuff and instantly regretting what you’ve said, It’s kind of like the dream where your running around your high school naked. That sense of ‘uh-oh I’m embarrassed.’)

Yet, if we grasp what we are saying and are endured to its truthfulness then there will be conviction in our voices and belief in our eyes. Because words are the only real magic we possess.

For with words people are transformed--changed--what was once unknown to them is now known, what was once unknown to you is now a possibility. Do you see what I mean by ‘magic’?

Life is given, pictures are painted, blindness is cured, deafness can hear, people are devastated or built up and all of this comes from our use of words. We must use them properly. They are powerful. The can cut deep and run many away from what we ‘believe.’

This is a recent conviction of mine, to think before I speak (a conviction I so often fail at). Weighing the meaning of a word and its use in a sentence to grasp and saying exactly what I mean to say. Because if it is true (and I believe it to be so) and, “Faith comes hearing and hearing from the Word of God.” (Rom. 10:17) then I’d better watch my words carefully.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Now is Important, right? (pt 2)

Last week I blogged on some musings from 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 in a posted called “Now is Important, right?” (Read it here). I’d like to continue the theme from that post, applying it to something different.

We all want to be loved. To be hugged and cherished, to be - perhaps - swooned over and recognized for what we are or who we are. The way we dress, the way we speak, what we read, and what we own all of these things are attempts at placing ourselves in the realm of the people we esteem. We want to be cool.

Not to be the odd nerd in the corner or to be the guy with his nose stuck in a book. But to be the one everyone loves, that’s what we want, but why?

Why do we want to be loved by everyone? Becoming social chameleons to be hated by none. We even do this in the church, changing and adapting and lying to not be left out or given the cold shoulder.

But shouldn’t the church be the one place where you are capable to be you? To not worry about what the “cool folks” do and feeling the pressure to conform to their image?

God has made us. He has made us who we are and wired us the way we are wired for one reason, and for one reason only, to glorify himself. But we take this body, personality and characteristics and cannibalize them, ripping them limb from limb and duct taping them together to make this Frankenstein of a monster for the sake of being cool.

How would things look if you were the person you are when your alone all the time? And to say it wouldn’t be pretty is to say that what God created is ugly.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Made to Last

I like old things. If you’ve ever been to my house you’ll understand immediately what I mean. Trunks, radio, books, tables, all these things have seen time and, “lived to tell about it.” A few items take places of prominence, a hundred year old copy of Edgar Allen Poe’s Poems, two family Bibles that came from the motherland (Scotland) and a radio from the 1920’s (which still works).

Trinkets I could live without very easily, but things holding special places in my heart. Poe has always been my favorite poet because of his raw use of words and his vast understanding of depression. The family Bibles teach my more than just where I came from, they teach me who I am. The radio, though for most is an interesting talking point, still works ninety years later – it was made to last.

Faith. Belief. Biblical terms thrown around like paper airplanes in a fourth grade classroom. Often I worry/wonder at why I use the words I use. For I wholeheartedly agree with Dumbledore but will adapt him for reality: Words are the only real magic we know.

If we understood faith like Poe understood depression; if we gleaned information from belief through the love of Scripture; if we looked at faith and belief as made to last longer than the radio how would things be different?

Rather than seeing faith as a cheap trophy for your shelf to see it as a treasure to be protected, loved, polished and grown. Things just might change. Rather than seeing belief as all about what you do to see it as made for eternity by the Eternality. This just may push you over the edge of fiction into reality.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday's Ripped from the Journal

(A couple of weeks ago I read something in my journal which I thought interesting so I posted it. So, welcome to the inaugural post of "Friday's Ripped from the Journal" anything's game here, so it could be down right weird or upright funny, or simple confession of sin, there's no telling. Thoughts, comments, or anything you think of while reading you should post as a comment. We could have some neat conversations. Enjoy!)

"Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light." Luke 11:35-36

Often it is asked, “How do I be a light?” or “How can you be more of a light?” For many think it is what you do that makes you exude light in dark places. So in response to these questions people go to bars and don’t drink beer to be ‘a light’ or hang out with friends and don’t cuss to be ‘a light.’

But it is not what is done or not done which makes someone illumine a dark place it’s the feeling persuasion of the heart and head, the conviction or deeply rooted intent of the person, which makes them a conduit for glory.

Many men of old did and said things which modern “pop-Christianity” would find astonishing. Yet “pop-Christianity” is changing, moving from one set of systems and philosophies of thought to another. And while the system and philosophy is not an issue, the heart is. For if the system is seen as paramount in the realm of importance than there is no light in a dark place.

It is thus reasonable, no reasonably important that our motives, our reasons for doing something are being checked in a constant continual fashion. For while it is not wrong to abstain or partake on their own merits, it is wrong to not why you’re doing what you’re doing.

The intent must be sought out, and by the grace of God it will be the glory of God.

(The above picture is by Steve Coleman more can be seen here)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We Want to be Remembered

We want to be remembered. Not to be forgotten in the passing of time. Striving in every corner of our lives to do great things, say great things or write great things. To have our names etched on the stone of eternity so future generations can look back and say, “Look at what they did.”

Especially with my generation, we feel we must do big things (if you want an example ask). Feeling as though dying in obscurity is the greatest of sins.

But what if living a quite life and dying a normal death and being remembered, as ‘Granpa’ for a generation or two then forgotten isn’t bad thing? How would you live your life differently?

Rather than looking to the impact we want to make for future generations we live life and put our hands to the plow now. Rather than (ahem) wishin’, and hopin’, and prayin’ that we’ll not be forgotten, doing what’s in front of us now.

Often as Christians we rail against the American Dream, and I agree, if all your dreaming about is stuff, then your wrong. But to attain the “American Dream” and then rail against it is sin. To park outside of our garages (because it’s full of all our other stuff) while in our minds breathing murderous threats against the American Dream – seems a little two-faced, right?

However to live behind your white picket fence and use all of your assets to the glory of God – that, that is more beautiful than selling everything because some man with a 2100 sq. ft. house told you to. In every respect seeing what you have as fodder for worship is itself radical.

Granted some are called to sell and go and die; just as much as some are called to stay and support and die.

For a great post on this topic go here and read more

Monday, July 18, 2011

Now is Important, right?

Where you are is important. Often we want to reminisce about where we were or look ahead to where we’re going. Indeed it is a difficulty to look at the ‘right now’ and feel any sense of happiness, joy or completion.

In many regards Lewis said it rightly, “We are far too easily pleased,” and in many estimations he is correct, however in this consideration he is wrong. For we are not mused with what were doing now, or where we sit now, or, even at times, where we live now. Wanting rather to dream about bigger pictures as opposed to seeing the wholeness of the current picture.

We find ourselves asking the questions, “What if I moved?” “What if I changed jobs?” or even, “What if I married another person?” Ever wondering about “could be’s” or “might-possibly-be’s” but not carrying for the “what is.”

Though it is not inherently wrong to look ahead or behind and remember lessoned learn or the beauty of the future, it is wrong to forget what is happening now and substitute it for the things that might, could, maybe (1 in a million, or last man on earth) be.

And in this regard Lewis is right, we are far too easily pleased with the possibilities of what might be (or what has been). Because even if the hopeful things happen we’re still in the current and it won’t be much different, if at all, even in another location.

The issue in the end is not the things that could change, but our hearts. Why do we not love the place we live? Why do we need a change of jobs? Because we do not see our situation as worship, rather we see it as something that ought to be pleasing us (and failing at doing so).

“Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him… You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men. So, brothers, in whatever condition each is called, there let him remain with God.” (1 Cor. 7:17, 23-24)

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Hand at Eschatology (Pt. 2)

The world is a devastating place. People are inconsiderate, mean and sometimes just down right conniving. Nature is broken, while its beauty surrounds you, you are also surrounded by death.

I’ve said it before and it bears repeating: we’re on an adventure, one that will claim our lives in the end but an adventure nonetheless. Yet here in this statement, I sense something, more like know something, something to be true. I know its been said for generations and generations, but it still must ring true in ours. Our adventure is drawing to a close.

The story has had its climax. The hero has won. The antagonist is wallowing in his own blood lashing out at any which he can reach for he is in his final moments and thus most dangerous sensing the end. The story is wrapping up, the characters are returning home.

Vigilance is now required. The watchman must be set. For before the true end there is one final blow.

My Hand at Eschatology

You know that feeling when your trying to explain something you saw to someone and they’re just not 1) getting it or 2) caring? They’re off in La-la Land while your settled in reality simply wanting them to understand a point, or a picture, or your idea? (I’m gonna use a Harry Potter reference cause I saw HP7 last night and it was amazing.)

In the “Harry Potter” books it is better realized, the immense importance of folks understanding that Voldemort is returned and meaning (really wanting badly) to do them harm (A.K.A kill ‘em). But in book five the “Ministry of Magic” leader decides that it is impossible for the “Dark Lord” to be back. And thus the battle against him is nearly lost before it’s really ever begun.

But let me now apply this to life. The world is infected with this same sort of evil and all that millions see is “light.” I’ll say it another way, in more “Christianese” terms: Sin is running rampant in our world and very few people see it.

In various realms of the Christian world the footholds have been laid. The castle has been surrounded. And the fight, I fear, is just beginning. I do not often think of (or in) world ending terms but now I’m forced to, not from one act in particular, but from history.

Frodo: “I wish the ring had never come to me; I wish none of this had happened.”
Gandalf: “So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us…"

“In the Shadow of the glorious cross;
Compelled by grace to cast my lot.
I’ll discard the loss and bare your name;
Forsaking all for Your own fame.”

(The above picture is by Steve Coleman his other works might be seen here)

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Christian Life in my Estimation (Pt. 5)

Disobedience, slandering, liable, blasphemies, evils, met with judgment, suffering and weeping the crying out of the people to be delivered from their bondage which is meet with merciful forgiveness. It is the theme of the people of Israel, to not obey and to turn back to their wicked ways. But it is also the theme of God to be radically forgiving in his judgment of them and his deliverance of them.

Again this is our life! Living presumptuously and disobeying the decrees of God, many times has God delivered us according to his mercies. Over and over and over again does he free us from the sins we entrap ourselves with, and yet we repeatedly turn back to the evil we’ve just been freed from!

But here is the catch, the deal, and the hook: we have a God who is ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and he will not forsake us! There will be new months and new days, there will be new years and new loves, and there will be new houses and new fathers.

So whether you’re 12 or 65 you’re still growing up and by the sheer grace of God we are told, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old is gone the new has come. (2 Cor. 5:17)”

Though our past is devastating to remember and will constantly be used to show us our failings we must, by the grace of God, preach this Gospel-truth to our hearts and apply it to our deep wounds as a doctor applies a bandage, that we have been, and are being made brand new. Though we will fail in the future the same bandage must be applied.

We’re on an adventure. One that will claim our lives in the end, but an adventure nonetheless; one where we’ve left the cool green grass of our childhood and traveled to the bone chilling heights of our youth; one that will take us through the labyrinth like forests of middle age; one where we’ll end in the desert of old age on the shores of eternity.

Though I know little of the trials of life, I know a few things. We’ll fight dragons and demons; we’ll be princes and princesses, we’ll dance knowing our lives won’t ever be the same; we’ll hold our heads high like the hero’s of old; we’ll weep at the death of companions; we’ll cry in anguish in the depths of disparity; we’ll curse God and bless his hand simultaneously. And in all of this that sovereign God will be sitting on his throne orchestrating the symphony of our lives. For! His! Glory!

It is why we exist, not for self, nor for others, but for God’s own glory. This must sink deep into our hearts and overflow into our minds and push our souls up through our mouths. Glory. Glory. Glory.

It’s where we’re going! Can you see it? You can almost taste the sweetness of its air! You can see its shimmer on the horizon of your thought. You can feel the warmth of his face on your heart. Though the valley of our failures oft covers the beauty of the sight every valley has two mountains.

Therefore let that childlike speechless wonder rise. Be again enchanted by something. Once more see your imagination take flight and feel the wonder of your childhood have life breathed anew into it.

See that the fairy tale of your life is no fiction at all. You, are the princess locked in the tall tower whose been saved by our Jesus in his shinning armor. You are the sleeping beauty awakened by the kiss of Jesus your King. You are the slave-child turned royalty by the finding of a shoe and its placement on your foot by Jesus. Royalty is what you are, though you do not feel like it (neither did the pauper).

Therefore, O child of the King, may He live forever, I beseech you to, please, take up your proper place at His side. To, by His mercy, prepare your heart to be fitting for His Lordship. That as you, O royal one, continue in the pain of this life our King, whose rule is eternal, will transform you into such a beauty that all gorgeous surfs will be merely peasants in the mud, yet you will be a child of the King. Realize your position. Take hold of your call. The dragon lies slain at your Savior’s feet. You. Are. Free.

You are free to say with all the strength and vigor that the half dead sinner can muster, “O wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!”

The Christian Life in my Estimation (Pt. 4)

Nehemiah 9:22-25

God lavishes the people of Israel with things far beyond anything they ever deserved. He gives them land, multiplies their children, riches, vineyards, orchards, and food so that the people became fat and delighted themselves in God’s great goodness. Things, gifts upon gifts he gave to them.

Christian look at your own life, what has he not given you? You own life, and breath; you have shelter, and by that I mean a house, a nice house, not a box in an alley. You have clothes with which to array yourself, and friends with which to surround yourself. You have a car that drives you further in an hour than many would travel in a lifetime. How many of us in this room worry about our next meal?

You have had things lavished upon you, things which most of the world would never know. Each of you is royalty in your own right by the historical standard. This is nothing more than the sheer mercy and grace of God that you were born where you were born and to whom you born to.

More than that we may learn about anything we desire! A book can be on our phones, and seven novels can be under our arm. The ability for us to know more than any before us is completely at our avail. We are, indeed, without excuse to be ignorant of the mercy of God.

See these beautiful things and worship your God! Grow fat in the delight of the Lord.
This brings up an interesting note: Often when pain comes flying around the corner of our lives like a freight train out of control we say, “God is big enough and good enough to handle our pain while he sustains us through the trial.” And indeed he is big enough to sustain us through pain and be in complete control of the trial we are dealing with.

But in the sentence of God being able to handle our problems there is an inferred ability for us to be able to handle all the good in our lives. So here’s my question: If we are unable to handle the bad circumstances in our lives what makes us think we can handle the good circumstances? What about our lives shows us, humans, as being competent enough or reasonable enough to be able to deal properly with happiness?

The reason for my questioning is I have never heard anyone say, “God is big enough and good enough to handle my happiness (whatever the joy may be); no one has ever said to me, “God is big enough and good enough to handle my engagement, my new job, my newborn, my love, my family, my friends.”

If God can handle the bad things in life, the things that drive us to our knees, which cause blurred vision because the tears are so thick and forced breathing because weeping is difficult, if he can handle those times… surely he can handle our joy and happiness.

I am compelled by the passage to say that we, as believers or unbelievers alike, are unable to handle our happiness in a proper fashion.

The Christian Life in my Estimation (Pt. 3)

Nehemiah 9:17-21

(V. 16-17a) We often fail. Presumptuously assuming the grace of God to cover our sins. When we do what we don’t want to do. When the sin looks more beautiful than our Savior. You know that feeling. You know it well, don’t you believer? When, God, in your mind doesn’t compare to the gleaming computer screen or the bottle of cheap beer.

We are capable of saying everything is worthless compared to knowing Christ Jesus our King but we are more inclined to love the worthless nothings more than we’ve ever love our King. This is the battle of the Christian life! Refusing to obey and not being mindful of the wonders which God has preformed and continues to perform in our lives!

That we are alive and know his love, that we feel the rapture of his love and the enthrallment of his glory, that we are able to, with a breath, glorify him and, with a tear, praise him. These miracles that he continually works in our hearts and brings to our senses, seeing and hearing and smelling his creation, touching a tasting beauty, these are indeed miracles!
We were once dead but yet we live; we were once deaf but now we hear; we were once captives to our sin but now we are free in his grace, this life we live, this sound we hear and this freedom we know are wonders which God has preformed in our sight but still we turn back to our sinfulness. Like a dog returning to his vomit we go back to our sin.

We do not love him the way we should. We do not listen to him the way we ought. We continue groveling in the dirt rather than understanding we are adopted children of the King. Turning our backs on him and leaving him. Doing our best to run from his voice.

(V. 17b-21) But our God is an extravagant God. Look at verse 17; He is a God ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and he does not forsake those who are called by his name.

Though we never deserved to know the wonders of God’s works, he revealed them to us. Though we could never earn the ability of glorifying God rightly he created us anew to do just that. Though we could never warrant his love, he made us his children. Though we could never satisfy his wrath, he poured it out on Jesus.

We are a rag-tag group of individuals, idolatrous, adulterous, murders, thieves, boastful, and proud we are a wretched group deserving the worms that would eat our flesh for all eternity, but yet, by the mercy and grace of God, we get God!

The history of Israel is a direct mirror to our own Christian lives. Continually were they forgiven their sins and continually were they reminded of the covenant promise God made with them. Though they spit it the palm of the Giver they were held up and supported by that same hand.

It is the same with believers now, while we are in our sin, he does not leave us there. Like the Israelites in the desert we are not left to wander for all eternity. Though it might be his good pleasure to see us matured from our failings it is not his pleasure to see us die in our sins.
As God lead Israel through the desert with a pillar of smoke and a pillar of fire so too will he not abandon us to torment and death within our own fallen depravity. He will guide and will lead us out of these dangers; indeed he guides us and leads us in his Scripture.

And so it is true, though we are shattered by the fall we are not devastated. Though we are totally depraved in our nature, those affects are being pushed back with every breath breathed because of the beautiful grace of God. The fall, though it once was our only nature is not so any more.

We were incapable of picking ourselves up. Our bootstraps were broken as it were. But because of Jesus the fall is being pushed back. In the lives of believers the affects of the fall are being slowed, stopped and reversed.

They are being slowed because we have the mercy and grace of God displayed before us. They are being stopped because the Gospel of God is being believed by God-given faith. They are being reversed because the faith God gives and gave us is changing us from one degree of glory to another.

So though our wretchedness runs deep, God’s mercy runs deeper. Though our treachery runs deep, God’s grace runs deeper still. Though every fiber of our being has and does struggle against his rule his love will and does captivate us.

The Christian Life in my Estimation (Pt. 2)

(The first post might be and may be read here)

Nehemiah 9:1-15

(V. 1-5) The people confess their sins to God. They come, after rejoicing and partying and eating the fat and drinking the wine, they come and lay in sackcloth and ashes with dirt on their heads. Separating themselves from those of other nationalities for one purpose, namely to confess their sins. They read the Law for a quarter of the day, looking at their iniquities in specific, confessing their sins as faithfully and wholly as they were possible of doing.

Often when the brokenness is brought about by conviction knocking on our doors we lock it out. We strive in every corner of our hearts to keep at bay the conviction that comes to us from the Father. Trying to hide behind the facade of faux happiness. For though we’ve locked conviction out at the door he has come in through the window and we are broken on the inside.

But here in this fragmented state we wallow and drench ourselves with our own tears. We do not confess our sins to each other; rather we bottle them up inside ourselves.

But this is what Community is for! To confess sin! To sit with trusted friends and weep over the sin that has for so long enveloped you! To be supported in your confession by the loving arms of dear friends. For we see in the passage that this confession turns to worship, saying, “Stand up and bless the Lord your God from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be your glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise.” (Neh. 9:5b)

(V. 6-8a) In confession the Christian life begins. For only in the God-given realization of your sinfulness is there hope of understanding the Gospel. It is impossible to understand this good-news unless one understand the gravity of the situation. If you do not see your sinfulness then you will not see a need for a Savior; if you do not think you need mercy than you surely do not think you need grace.

Indeed this is the beginning of faith, the root of the Christian life. Faith is, “The assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Heb. 11:1) It is the sense of the Christian life. As you see and hear and touch and smell and taste and by these senses understand the world around you so it is with faith. Faith is our sense of spiritual things it is, as described by Henry Scougal our, “Feeling persuasion of spiritual things; it extends itself unto all Divine truths.”

The feeling persuasion of spiritual things, the heart and the head both uniting and agreeing on the issue of the Gospel, seeing and feeling and reasoning that it is proper and right to believe and be completely about this one thing. It is often said that the world has no idea what man with a call is capable of doing, but I would change the statement to say, “the world has no idea what a true believer in the Gospel is capable of doing.“

All hell might stand before the believer but that will not keep him from his Jesus. All torments of fire and torturous death might be physically before her, but that will not keep her from her God. This Gospel, this Jesus, he is the strength to the weak, the hope to the despairing, the life to the dead.

Because of this feeling persuasion, this faith, the believer knows the world about him. He sees creation in a proper manner for he has heeded Jesus’ call (Heb 11:2). It is by faith that Abram became Abraham for, God found his heart faithful before him (Neh. 9:8)

Salvation, this faith of believing the Gospel is not a simple choice, nor is it a mere prayer, it is a life. Often we speak about the continually nature of salvation. That we are to be being saved, not simple existing as Christian but to be growing as Christian, for a “Christian” who does not grow is no Christian at all.

(V. 9-15) God has condescended to us to make a covenant promise with us. As he did with Abraham so he does with us, we are promised that our sins will be removed from us, as far as the east is from the west (Ps. 103:12). Calling us his son’s and daughters, loving us in such a mighty fashion we have never known nor felt before, further adding to the feeling persuasion of our faith.

God who keeps his promises toward us despite us, though we fail to uphold our end of the covenant, though we attempt to push an omnipresent God away; thought we fight against him with sophisticated doubt and skepticism, all our ranting and raving does nothing to turn him away from his promise toward us his children, those whom he has called to be his. We remain his for he has redeemed us to himself with himself.

The Christian Life in my Estimation (Pt. 1)

(This is the sermon from Sunday July 10, 2011. It was preached at Journey the Way & the audio my found at:

The Christian life is an interesting theme. It is woven throughout the tapestry of history. Both personal history and world history, shaping neighborhoods, towns, cities, states, and countries. Transforming a people group in such a complete way that the course of antiquity seems to have been shifted from a region of gloom and disparity to a joyous day that lasts for all eternity.

We see it in our own lives, those of us that deeply understand the Gospel, we who know,

“…By experience that true religion is a union of the soul with God, a real participation of the Divine nature, the very image of God drawn upon the soul, or, in the apostle’s phrase, ‘it is Christ formed within us.’” ~Henry Scougal

The lives we lived before seem as though they were lived in the dead of sullen winter. Having never known the warmth of the sun nor seen the beauty of the first sprouting flowers of spring we simply continued on as we had for our whole lives. Never knowing, ever lingering in our dismal condition.

But now, as believers, as those who have been brought from death to life, we live in the spring of our belief. Knowing, not fully but in part the love that is lavished upon us. Being changed so completely that we are now capable of seeing history, as it were, change before our waking eyes.

Now there is deepness to our thinking, vitality to our speech, conviction and passion enthusiastically felt within our hearts. We are excited to new life because of the gloriousness of our Savior’s face. We are exquisitely enthralled with a beauty, which we now understand for the first time. We know that his call will demand our lives and in that we are overjoyed because we see the worth of the demand.

We know that Jesus is the King we worship; the one we bow before, the one we will, if called to, die for. That he is the King of all-possible kings past, present or future; that he is the Prince of unimaginable peace, and Servant to all whom he loves. We know that he is deserving of any and all of the descriptions of greatness, worth, beauty, excellence and glory.

But in the Christian life there are not only rapturous moments, which cause tears of happiness to pour from our eyes and our minds to soar in worship to our King, the Christian life is also filled with devastatingly low times when we know the full meaning of the word gravity in the blink of an eye or the ring of a phone call.

I sincerely hope you all know what I’m talking about. That you have felt the weight of conviction and the burden of pervious sins, partially seeing the depth of your own depravity, which you never knew nor thought to imagine, was so deep.

So while we wade through these 38 verses I want you to remember the Christian life for it is our theme today. While we look at the history of Israel we will place it side-by-side to our own Christian lives and by the sheer grace of God we will be convicted of his wonderful Excellency.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Ripped from the Journal

The gentile hum of the Air-Conditioner; the seldom tinkle of the neighbor’s wind chimes; the sun lighting the room via the reflection from the white house west of me. The birds chirping playfully as an owl’s hoots join in every so often.

A car passes on the street. It feels like home, but I know it’s not. I know, in my brain, this place, this reality, is not my home. The five-senses are my animal senses perceiving my surroundings. The real me, the one speaking these words to be written by the flesh, sense there is much more.

It’s not that my soul lives deep within me and must be found and nurtured, but rather it is that I am my soul. So the sense of faith is more powerful, for by it I know the universe.

It is an interesting phenomenon, the soul, and by definition it is very much alive. For what has just been done above is a study of on soul by the soul, i.e. self-awareness.

Perhaps it is that souls feed on different things. Like a nutritionist would feed solely on the beneficial and the lazy one would feed on the filth of fast food. So too may it be with individual souls, some finding healthy diets in the balance of meats (Scripture), vegetables (Songs), dairies (Prayer) and grains (Community), whilst the other cares not for what is put into their soul as long as they’re full.