Monday, May 19, 2008

Pray for the Sudan Trip

Hello all,
As I sit on the eve of this trip, there are many things that need prayer. The first, and, I feel, greatest is that God’s name will be glorified, in all that we do, and say. That His utter sovereignty would be known to all who are praying for us, and that He does, or allows, all according to His prefect plan.
The second, and more physical than any, is that of safety. That we will be able to do what is needed, and to do it without harm being caused to either them or us. As I sit on the eve of the trip, I have had time to think, and it has gotten me nervous, so pray for all of our nerves, that we would be at peace, and be clear in mind, to know the right decision to make.
Third, pray for the families that are represented in this trip, and for the ones that have not gone. That their nerves will also be calmed.
Lastly, for the people we will encounter. That they may be directed towards God (if it be His will), and know that He is God, and there is no other.
Please pray for us as we go on this trip, that God will be glorified, that, if it be His will, we will be safe, for the families that are represented, and for the people we will encounter. God is good all the time. He is great.
Your brother for the cause of Christ,
Sam Morris
Romans 7:24-25

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Shane & Shane Lyrics

O the devils singing over me an age old song,
That I am cursed and gone astray,
Singing the first verse so conveniently over me,
He's forgotten the refrain,
Jesus saves!

~Shane & Shane


What is truth? Is it a feeling, or a thought, an idea, or an action? Is truth absolute? We have absolute statements and words, but are these just figments of our imaginations? It is said our presuppositions characterize the way we think and act, that truth is different from person to person. Due to this we, out of sheer respect to others, we must let everyone believe what they will, not attempting to influence them at all. But what about certain religions, they state that there is only one god, and only one way to him, what does this do to the ideals held by some, that truth is the cause of what one wants? To write about this one must take it systematically, to comprehended truth in every aspect, and then from that perspective answer the main question, what is truth, and is it absolute?
Truth, by definition is, “That which is true, or in accordance with fact or reality.” A known real substance, or an ideal that is held by most, truths that over time have been made into law, or were lay down as law by god. But what of god, is this deity considered a truth; or in this postmodern relativistic age, is god just a presupposition that one has come to know owing to one’s raising; anthropomorphizing a deity using the characterizations of an ideal leader?
Now, before completely delving into truth, there is no differentiation between truth, and absolute truth, they are parallel. These two statements have a direct correlation in that they mean the same thing. Truth is fact, and absolute truth is the same, a fact.
Religion, and the mere existence of it, creates a tantalizing question, does religion offer truth? There are hundreds of religions, and hundreds of teachings on how to go to the next life. However some of these religions clam exclusivity. Does the fact that there are millions willing to die for their one way (truth) mean there is truth? Because religions exist, and there is a longing for truth in mankind, there must be truth to some extent.
Consider absolute statements such as there are no absolutes, or that penguins will never fly, or that one is six feet tall. From those statements it is plain to see that There are absolute words (four absolute words in the past sentence: are, no, never, is) these words imply absolution. Causing the definite absolute statement that life is full of absolutes. However, if life is completely void of absolutes, as argued by some (namely humanists and atheists), then are these words only in existence to help our feebly finite minds grasp concepts completely outside our realm of understanding, or are they here because there are absolutes?
To continue, why is it a discussion that there are no absolute truths? It is due to the relativistic tolerant society that is the pervading America. Americans are reared not to interfere with anyone’s business, that they put themselves into a situation, and they can find their own way out. This mindset is the catalyst of the “America Dream,” to be able to be self sufficient in every manner of life, and wanting to do it on one’s own. To be able to take full responsibility, and pride in what has been accomplished. Owing to this a tolerant mindset is being created, causing one to question truths that have been known for quite some time, and leaving everyone to “decide” what they want for their own truths; leaving none to question their decisions, but to only say, “It must work for them.”
This mindset of relativistic tolerance is an extremely dangerous one. It causes one to doubt truths that have been known for centuries, such as, you shall not kill. If there are no absolute truths killing someone is not wrong it is just another means to an end. Then where does the conscience come in? When one does something wrong they are usually (unless hardened and desensitized) broken, or feel guilt, and remorse for what has taken place. However, if there is no absolute truth then that feeling is completely unnecessary.
The truth is, there is absolute truth. Absolute truth pervades every moment of life. One lives, and that is truth, one breathes, and that is truth. The feelings that are felt, and there statements and words that are used point to truth, to absolution. There is reality, and therefore there must be truth, because the tree in the front yard exists there must be truth, or the definition of truth is wrong (that which is true, or in accordance with fact or reality). One can say that penguins fly, but in the end the only cause is penguins falling to the ground. One can say that a six foot tall man is five-three, but no matter how hard he pursues the tale the measuring rod will tell the truth, the man is six feet tall.
To the relativistic tolerance of today’s society, truth does not differ from person to person it remains constant. Killing someone is always wrong, and when one kills the guilt and remorse of the action destroys the individual to the uttermost, unless one is unmindful of the fact that they just ended the life of another, in which case it has been said that all who kill without remorse are in some degree or another crazy.
Therefore, all truth is absolute. Truth is absolute because it is known by most, that killing is wrong, and because it is a truth that one lives, breaths, and will eventually die. Truth is absolute, because the language we speak is full of absolute words, implying that this life is full of absolutes, and thus, truth. Truth is truth and to state otherwise is: first of to use an absolute statement, and second, to look so far outside of life, and conscience, and the universe, that logic is no longer possible to any extent. Because no matter how much one tries to prove there is no truth, another may just say, “Well that doesn’t work for me.” And there is no way to alter their way of thinking, because that would imply that there is an absolute truth to be known. In essence it is foolish to say there is no absolute truth. Because, to say there is no absolute truth is to be completely ignorant of the world surrounding the individual, or to not follow the evidence to its logical conclusion.
In answer to the main question of the essay, what is truth and is it absolute? Truth is reality, it is true that life is reality, and that death is reality. Yes, truth is absolute. It is absolute because the words and statements of truth are absolute, penguins will never fly, mammals will never breath underwater, and one is six feet tall. Thus truth is reality, and yes, it is absolute.