Thursday, March 19, 2009

To the Cross We Cling

For: Grandma Fern

When the call comes, and a loved one lays dying
How should we think of the one that is flying?

Do we look for the life well lived,
Or go to the lists of all that's achieved?

Where can we look for solidarity?
What is there to see?

Of One I only know,
He alone can show
That life well lived is worthless,
And what's achieved is pointless,
If at the fore of thought and deed
is not the Cross of Christ.

So when the call comes, and a loved one lays dying
To the Cross we cling.
For in the Cross we've seen,
Love unbounded,
Grace unrestricted,
Wrath appeased,
Sin removed,
Death chained.

Thus as we hold the hand, and say our last farewells
To the Cross we cling.
For glory comes for you, and leaves me,
But hope must fill my heart
For this one must depart,
And when time comes for me,
I know that you I'll see,
For to the Cross we cling.

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