Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mormon Conversation

I've never had a legitamate conversation with a Mormon before yesterday, now I've spoken with four.

In one since it was a lively conversation between similar aged students, in another sense it was learning another religion, and in another sense it was a battle in the war for eternity.

It was a lively conversation, because we talked and discussed the finer points of our belief systems. The Trinity, women in the Church, and an evangelical view of marriage were questions they asked of us. The Mormon view of Jesus, the levels of heaven, and the Mormon translation of the Bible were asked of our Mormon counterparts.

It was learning about another religion, because how often do you get to sit down for two solid hours and simply talk to Mormons about the similarities and differences of our religions? While Mormon's would say there is little that separates Evangelicalism from Mormonism, Evangelical's would always maintain the drastic differences between the two.

It was a battle in the war for eternity, because we believe, as Evangelicals, that hell hangs in the balance and will be the result for the students we spoke with yesterday if they do not repent of their sins, turn to Jesus Christ (fully God and fully man), and believe that God raised him up on the third day according to the Scriptures, by the grace and calling of God.

Yesterday was not a simple time to learn and discuss, it was a valuable time to have free range opportunity to speak of the gospel winsomely to the dying world. May God use the questions asked to haunt a Mormon toward Himself.

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