Sunday, December 12, 2010

One thing encompasses all things for one purpose

‘One thing that encompasses all things for one purpose’ this very well might be the statement of my life. Allow me to explain.
One thing: God in all his goodness ought to be continually my only aim. This means that every goal set is simply a step in the greater aim of shooting at God. For if all of social justice or all of the universe is aimed at but not God then all of social justice and all the universe will be missed. For if I aim at the entire universe but not God my aim is too small. Therefore God in all his goodness ought to be continually my only aim.
Encompasses all things: In the aim of the ‘One thing’ the entire universe will be encircled and used for joyful satisfaction in God. In taking dead aim at God rather than fortune or women or drugs there are two things revealed.
1) Regeneration, namely redemption through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For only in regeneration is one capable of seeing the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:6). And therefore, only then (after regeneration) is one in any way inclined to press hard after Him for joy.
2) There is stark realization for the necessity of being satisfied by the only thing that is capable of satisfying an eternal soul, namely God himself. Temporal pleasures may be had in stuff however they are merely temporal pleasures they are not satisfying.
From these two realizations come the phrase ‘joyful satisfaction’ meaning ‘the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ’ has been seen and life has been profoundly impacted so as to seek joy in God rather than stuff; and intrinsically tied to this regeneration is the stark realization that only God can, and does, satisfy a soul.
For one purpose: The glory of God in my satisfaction of who he is. “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. (Westminster Confession of Faith)” “God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him. (John Piper)” To be satisfied by God. Does this place my satisfaction above God? Am I elevating my satisfaction to a higher place than God? No. Indeed in the second greatest commandment we are told to, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There is an inherent ‘self-love’ within humanity. Is it wrong? Unless it is regenerated ‘self-love yes, but, however, if it is regenerated self-love it is not. For, “He God did not kill self-love; he supernaturally and profoundly transformed it into a spiritual hunger for the glory of God. (Jonathan Edwards)
Therefore my satisfaction is inherently and intrinsically tied to the glory of God. It has, through a supernatural and profound work, become a longing.

It is my hope that this statement becomes my life’s theme. To see God in all his goodness continually aimed at; which will encircle the entire universe to be used for joyful satisfaction in God; to the glory of God in my satisfaction of who he is.

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