Monday, December 6, 2010

Too Easily Pleased...still

“We are far too easily pleased.”
C.S. Lewis the originator of this quote hit the nail head on. We, as Christians in particular and creation in general, are far too easily pleased. This is glaringly true within my own life, and I’m confident you’ll find it evidently true in your life as well.
We piddle around with friends and movies, cars and music, marriage and sex, food and work. We see these things as of paramount importance. Indeed they satisfy us. But only for a short while, then we belly up to the bar of hedonism yet again to scarf down any other pleasures we can take comfort from.
Ought we not be learning of some all-satisfying goodness? Ought we not be drinking deeply from the fountain rather than bowing to its droplets? Ought we not look at the sun in all its radiance than worship the ray that reflects from the car window?
Sure, it is easy to say, “God is all-satisfying.” But do you feel that satisfaction? Indeed there is a major disconnect between what we “believe” and what we believe. The reality of our belief is seen in the hedonism of our lives. Searching for satisfaction in books, girls/boys, money, beer, tobacco, antiques, Facebook, Twitter, coffee, husband/wife, and children.
“Is God being glorified in this moment?” This may be the key question we batter into our brains and lives everyday. Is he taking glory in your treatment of your wife and kids? Is he taking glory in your consumption of food/drink? Is he taking glory from your time spent with the girlfriend? Is he taking glory from your quiet time?
“The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. (Westminster Confession of Faith)” “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. (John Piper)”
If we do not feel God as satisfying than how can we be Christian?

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