Friday, April 29, 2011

4 rungs of Community

There are four different types of Community that are possible. All of these types can happen at the same time, and, indeed, if they do occur at the same time will create wholesome community. Each rung of Community grows in its strength and ability to retain Community within diversity (the first is easily broken, the last is hard to break)

Bear in mind that I write this from the standpoint of the Community of believers within the Church. Gospel believing Christians, the commonality that initially brings this diverse group into community. These same rungs of Community may be seen in a bar, but that is a bastardization of Christian, biblical, Community. We see it there because there is truth outside of the Church, because it is God’s creation.

1) Discussion:
The first and weakest rung in community is discussion. This rung is the weakest because a simple disagreement could, and indeed does break this type of community.

This type of community works well initially. So as to begin journeying with other believers, but if community does not move past this point then this community is doomed to fail; for shifting thoughts, and differing views will prevail over Gospel Community.

2) Play
The second type of community is where the majority of friendships and churches end their quest for Community. Play. Playing together, spending time together is good, but it is not paramount.

Play works well to move people into a deeper understanding of each other. Likes and dislikes are more readily available making it less likely for a group to disband over a simple disagreement because disagreements have been overcome in the past (likes and dislikes of sports, movies, actors, politics), so what can't a larger disagreement be overcome now?

Time is this type of community’s biggest enemy. Over time the group will grow and develop and if this stage is not past then the group will disband and move on.

3) Serve
The third type of community is concrete for a group that discusses and plays together. Like going on a weeklong missions trip. The group is initially quite and reserved, but by the end of the week they’re talking of burping and farting (while showing they can do both) like a family.

If a group that spends more time together than just a weeklong trip by discussing weighty topics, playing together then serves together often this group will attain a higher level (or deeper level) of Community.

The enemy of this level of Community is a manifestation of the previous two. If a strong enough, or controversial enough topic is disagreed over and time is allowed to pass without service together then this community will, like water on concrete flake away into dust.

4) Suffer
This is the steel of community, the I-beams that hold the structure together. If a group is graciously allowed to suffer together they will endure much to remain together. Moving, changing jobs, and time will not separate them.
Again, if God is gracious and allows the group (church) to endure these four things genuine community will be had, to his glory.

So it ought to be ever apart of our teaching to lead our people in suffering well. We should begin teaching this now. We are a young church and have yet to preach a funeral. But it will come. Car wrecks happen and suffering is ever-present. Therefore we must begin to teach our people now, before it happens to suffer will. (Hebrews 11 is a fantastic passage to begin with).

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