Monday, April 11, 2011

Is it Worth it?

Is it worth it? What you live for; what you’ll fight for is it worth it? What you’ll die for is it worth it? Much can garner our attention and move our affection but is it worth it?

My car was broken into yesterday, but nothing was taken (something tells me Journey the Way street signs wasn’t what they were hoping for… suckerz). It’ll cost a pretty penny to fix. But in the worry of finances this question arose: is it worth it to worry about money? This one arena of life, one portion of the whole pie, is it worthy to be worried about?

No. No, it’s not worth it. To falter and faint over an issue whose remedy is simple is a waste of time.

So my question to you is: is it worth it? Whatever consumes your thoughts and drives you to deep depression or joyous heights is it worth it? The binge drinking or the addiction to cigarettes, the constant need for noise or the ever-present relationship, is it worth it.

Is it worth your whole life to be devoted to that one thing?

There is a demand placed on you (us) one that requires your everything. Jesus living your perfect life and dying your dreadful death demands grateful, radical, transformation… Is what your living for worth it?

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