Saturday, October 9, 2010

Joy pt. 4: Grace

I know of nothing more beautiful than the grace afforded believers in the Gospel.
I have seen much. From cathedrals in Europe to the stars of a different hemisphere, from the mighty pyramids to the sunset over a jungle of unrest, they do not compare. Even the emotions of life don’t compare to this one theme. Gaining deep lasting friendships and holding a newborn baby, watching my brothers be baptized and seeing my sister wed, they do not compare.
It would cheapen the picture of grace to call it ‘gorgeous’ or ‘beautiful’ even ‘breath-taking’ leaves thousands more miles to be wanted in a remotely sufficient description of grace. I cannot, I will not attempt to describe its beauty, rather our relation to it.
We are drowning in its unfathomable depths. Thank God. We cannot tell up from down, left from right because we are so swamped with grace’s immensity.
God sits on his throne and commands the magistrate of grace to be lavished upon us, and he comes unbridled and unflinching to us. There is no hesitation in his step, no second-thought in his mind.
He comes and woos us to the King. He tells of his kindness toward us undeserved ones. Indeed he informs us he was sent by the King to carry us to the Sovereign.
“You see,” he says, “You are broken and cannot come to the King on your own. You have been shattered by the fall. But I have been bought by Jesus and sent by the King to cover your brokenness and take you where you could not otherwise go.”
Though we are covered in necrotic flesh and though the maggots eat at our wounds, grace covers believers. Though we smell and often look for love somewhere else, grace covers believers. Though our sin taints every intention in our life, grace covers us. Martin Luther described us well, “We are dung hills covered in snow.”
Grace. We are hidden within it. We cannot escape it. With every breath it covers us more. Jesus has bought an incomparable gift. He has lavished us with his grace.

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