Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Right Way, Wrong Way

There is a right and a wrong way to read Scripture. Recently I was sitting down over a cup of coffee when I was told, “There are thousands of different interpretations for what the Bible says.” This stopped my brain in its tracts.

For if this is true then the truth of Scripture is extremely relative to the reader and the point in studying it is completely fraudulent. You see if there is not one meaning for a text but rather thousands then the meaning of Scripture is different for whoever is reading it at that moment…

This however is not so. There is a right way and a wrong way to read Scripture. It does not have a myriad of interpretations rather it has a myriad of applications. The meaning will be the same, but the way it is applied from life to life will look different.

This post has one meaning, namely that the Scriptures have one meaning. I, the writer, intended for this to be read and seen as having one meaning. If some dork comes along and says this post is all about the way dogs treat cats then he is a loon and will be seen as one.

But when it comes to Scripture we lay down and die saying it has a different meaning to someone else… That. Is. Dumb. Scripture is the only sure footing we have in this relativistic wind of a society and we are willing to let it be tossed around like a tennis ball.

Either Scripture is seen for what it is (The Word of God) or you will never see the glory of God, that's pretty clear.

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