Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weird & Odd

Getting all my goodies in order for applying to Grad school. It’s been an odd summer so far.

For five years I worked and went to school and did homework and had a life. Now I just have a life and work… Woah. Re-reading Harry Potter has been wonderful, it’s like walking down a path, now familiar, but so deeply loved. Getting a new roommate has also been nice (2 out of 3 of the last done got married, I’m not saying I’m good luck, I’m just saying I'm good luck).

But what I’ve enjoyed the most has also been the weirdest: relaxing.

I don’t do it well. If I’m not doing something I think there’s something terribly wrong (I suck at taking naps).

Last night I sat on my porch with no book and no phone (!) watching the sun go down. I rented a movie and cooked some steak. I got myself hooked on TV series. I read myself to sleep.

Peaceful, right?

A friend of mine always says, “I want a peaceful soul.” And I agree with him, I want that too. But until it comes I’ll settle for some peaceful evenings.

‘Cause right now there’s no love to keep up, no pretenses to uphold, nothing to demand my time other than the job and a life, which, even though it’s odd, is nice.

So, sometime soon, I think I’ll go catch some fireflies and put them in a jar on my mantel. Because God is sovereign. 

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