Friday, July 15, 2011

My Hand at Eschatology (Pt. 2)

The world is a devastating place. People are inconsiderate, mean and sometimes just down right conniving. Nature is broken, while its beauty surrounds you, you are also surrounded by death.

I’ve said it before and it bears repeating: we’re on an adventure, one that will claim our lives in the end but an adventure nonetheless. Yet here in this statement, I sense something, more like know something, something to be true. I know its been said for generations and generations, but it still must ring true in ours. Our adventure is drawing to a close.

The story has had its climax. The hero has won. The antagonist is wallowing in his own blood lashing out at any which he can reach for he is in his final moments and thus most dangerous sensing the end. The story is wrapping up, the characters are returning home.

Vigilance is now required. The watchman must be set. For before the true end there is one final blow.

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