Monday, March 25, 2013

India Trip Thoughts (Pt. 1)

Give this video a watch and help us raise the money needed to build the hospital with Love-N-Care Ministries!

1) something about having an African American flight attendant is always awesome.

2) my passport picture looks like a child... Or a different person entirely.

3) this is the first time I've ever seen anyone actually look at the safety card when the lady said to do so.

4) first solo international trip. But Idk if it counts since I've done it twice before.

5) poo, I forgot to get gushers.

6) it's amazingly comforting to see Indians.

7) I slept for 8hrs on the plane. Never done that before.

8) this flight is full of folks who've never flown before.

9) had my picture taken 20 times at the domestic terminal

10) the providence of meeting an American man here to offer wise advice about being a man in missions.

11) India is home!

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