Sunday, March 31, 2013


I started packing my house up tonight. It’s been nearly three years since I moved in here, there’s a ton of stuff that’s been left by the five roommates that have been here during that time and a ton of my stuff.

            It’s nuts to think that in the next month I’ll finish a semester, move to a different state, and get married (to a fantastic woman of God). It’s crazy to think that in four short weeks Wichita, where I was born, and raised, and saw two churches started, and went to school, and made memories, and grew as a Christian, it’s crazy to think it won’t be ‘home’ anymore. Putting my books in boxes and my coats in a trunk made me finally realize what was going on, and it’s awesome and sad.

            This is the time of my life where Gen 12:1-3 is true, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Not to be great or to be known, but merely to follow my God where he is taking me… where he is taking us (I’m not just a single anymore).

            God is incredibly good; he’s incredibly crazy too. He’s made the sun and stars, and men and women and called us to live fully and freely in him. He’s sent his son to save sinners, which’ll always be more astounding than moving to another state and getting married. We always must return to the one simple and wonderful truth that God has saved sinners like us and then called us sinners to be one and worship him while we proclaim Jesus to each other, the world, and eventually our children. That’s crazy.

            It’s Easter. This morning Jesus rose from the dead and on Friday he was murdered by you and for you. He crushed the serpent’s head on Friday and this morning he took death by the throat and killed it’s sting. And therefore it is appropriate that I start packing my things into a box tonight, as an act of worship to my exquisite God who calls us dead to live and us whores to purity – that’s a recklessly extravagant God, the One who saves the un-saveable and restores the un-restorable and establishes the un-established as his children.

            We worship a living God who can make impossible things come to life – who can make fiction reality and kill the dragon of our sin.

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