Thursday, January 13, 2011

Vivid Life

Often we speak on deep theological terms (often I write about those very terms). Often we like to get our heads all caught up in the esoteric clouds of reasoning or big words. But the descent out of those foggy clouds is the part we desire most.

For in the trek through the mountains of high-thought and around misty corners of the unknown we learn to lean on a God who must become our strength. Though the temptation is to love one’s brain more than God, God proves himself, time and time again to be worthy of all our trust.

But in the descent, the journey down from misty heights, we behold the rising sun more vividly than ever before. We see through the crisp clear air with eyes that had become accustomed to the fog. Miles upon miles stretch before our eyes revealing mountain after mountain with their heads hidden softly in the clouds.

The beauty of a leaf; the freshness of the air, the feeling of turning the page; life is in our eyes, our lungs and our hands. We comprehend, by the sheer grace of God, one more small portion of God. We notice the impact this small understanding is becoming, like a rock thrown on a placid lake, but these ripples will change everything.

‘Irresistible’ is the best adjective we can give to these moments. The greatness of the glory of God is drawing us closer. We are being given one more small taste of eternity. One more small glimmer of splendor, and oh, is it beautiful!

Therefore we looked to learn about this God of Scripture. Though he is not tame, he is good. Though he is not lucrative, he is worthy. And though he will demand our lives, he is our all.

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